The Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) is a nationwide study conducted by the World Bank Group (WBG) in close consultation with national authorities and other stakeholders. It intends to establish a dialogue between the Cambodia Government, the WBG and other development partners in order to focus their efforts around goals and activities that have high impact in ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner in the next 5 years. The SCD will be based on the best possible analysis, drawing on available evidence. It will not be limited to areas or sectors where the WBG is currently active.
As Cambodia moves forward as a recently graduated lower-middle income economy, public engagements around the SCD aim to identify key development challenges and priorities to accelerate progress in ending extreme poverty and sharing prosperity widely.
The engagement will include face-to-face meetings as well as an online platform to enable participation by a wide range of stakeholders.
The face-to-face meetings will include a mix of plenary workshops, roundtable meetings, and smaller group discussions.The meetings will take around 3-4 hours, including breakout group discussions as needed, and may include 30-50 participants, aimed at obtaining deeper knowledge in key areas.
The online engagement is expected to gather views through an online survey, in Khmer and English, available during the engagements. People may complete the form online or submit it to before December 26, 2016. The online survey form will be sent to people through the Cambodia e-alert, which people may sign up for by clicking here.
On top of this, hard copy questionnaires and postcards will be distributed to collect views from the public in Sihanoukville, Siem Reap and Kratie provinces as well as in Phnom Penh. People will be asked to contribute ideas on how they want Cambodia to be like in the future.
Engagement meetings will be conducted with a wide range of stakeholders, including:
- Government: Officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance and line ministries
- National Assembly: Parliamentarians
- Sub-national Government: Elected members of provincial, district and commune councils of Takeo, Kampot, Sihanouk and Koh Kong provinces
- Development Partners: Representatives from UN agencies and other development partners
- Private Sector: Representatives of domestic and international private sector companies and provincial chamber of commerces of Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kandal, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu
- Civil Society Organizations and Youth: Representatives of community-based organizations, service delivery NGOs, advocacy NGOs, think tanks, research institutions, academics, labor unions, youth, and LGBT
The engagement will take place in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap (North), Kratie (East), and Preah Sihanouk (South). These provinces have been selected for their hub locations which are most accessible to participants from neighboring provinces.
- Phnom Penh
- Siem Reap: Siem Reap, Uddor Meanchey, Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Banteay Meanchey, Battambang
- Kratie: Kampong Cham, Kratie, Tboung Khmom, Mondulkiri, Stung Treng
- Sihanoukville: Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, Koh Kong, Takeo
Participants from civil society organizations (CSO) will be selected by five NGO networks: the Cooperation Committee of Cambodia (CCC), NGO Forum, Community Peacebuilding Network, the Youth Coalition for Unity and Development (YCUD), Gender and Development Network, and CamASEAN-Micro Rainbow International.
The engagements with Government, private sector, UN and development partners will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation to Khmer. The engagements with provincial officials, civil society organizations and other local groups will be conducted in Khmer with simultaneous translation to English.
Meeting materials will be provided both in Khmer and English.
Invitations and relevant background materials in English and Khmer will be sent to the participants ten days before the scheduled meetings.
Meeting summaries with the development partners, private sector, and CSOs, as well as the participants' lists, will be posted on the WBG consultation website. The posted summaries will be available in English and Khmer.
A preliminary summary highlighting inputs and feedback from all consultation meetings and the online survey will be presented to the Ministry of Economy and Finance at a planned wrap-up meeting at the end of the consultation period.
The World Bank
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